Grand Livre de Cuisine - enjoy it all over the world • publisher Matthaes | number of pages 1136

DK Verlag
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  • author:  Alain Ducasse
  • publisher:  Matthaes
  • Accessory (included):  CD ROM
  • Manufacturer Prod.-ID:  9783985410026
  • Length (Width):  185 mm
  • Height:  240 mm
Author: Alain Ducasse Over 500 recipes from the restaurants of Alain Ducasse from all over the world. From Tokyo to Paris, New York, Las Vegas, Hong Kong or Mauritius ... Alain Ducasse takes his readers on a culinary journey around the world through his restaurants. The opulent work offers an extraordinary insight into the cuisine of Alain Ducasse and her multicultural influences. From the three-Michelin-starred restaurant to its French bakery. With this book Alain Ducasse shares his culinary experience of 25 years, his knowledge and his love for the ingredients with the reader. The fourth volume of the series "Grand livre de Cuisine" is divided into six chapters: fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, cereals and desserts. Awarded the silver medal of the GAD. 1136 pages 1st edition 2009 Hardcover, including CD-ROM, 240 x 185mm ISBN: 978-3-87515-031-5

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Dorling Kindersley Verlag GmbH
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80636 München
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Schlagwörter Suchindex
book cookbook number of pages 1136 hardcover CD ROM


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